Mount Flashdrive: Not Authorized to perform operation

At first this issue seemed to be related solely to usb's. When I insert a USB i get "Unable to mount xGb volume Not Authorized to perform operation"

Previously it would prompt for root password to mount. Upon closer examination this appears to be related to the privilege escalation prompt. Any feature that would normally require a root password doesn't prompt therefore is denied.

As another example under System Settings > User Accounts I can't click the unlock button. Previously it would prompt for root, now I no longer even have the option.

Edit: I know how Sudo works, but why isn't this happening through the GUI? Previously if you plugged in a flash drive it'd prompt for PW then mount automagically. It seems to be an issue with GUI privilege escalation in general not just mounting drives. Even if I go to Disks and click mount it doesn't mount because it never prompts for PW.

In Ubuntu 18, this error is caused by Chrome Remote Desktop. The solution is:

  1. Stop the Chrome Remote Desktop Service:

    /opt/google/chrome-remote-desktop/chrome-remote-desktop --stop
  2. Open all external disks, that logo appears

  3. Start again the Chrome remote desktop service:

    /opt/google/chrome-remote-desktop/chrome-remote-desktop --start

I think you have to do this after each reboot.

You have already opened some application which is holding the mount for lock so you are not able to mount it. The application might be gparted,ubuntu-installer or others.