Paswordless Rsync Over SSH Without Key Authentication [Un-Safe]

maybe try sshpass.

seems simple enough to use... it's available through apt as well.

I was looking for something like this before I copied my keys around, but since I've got my key everywhere I need already anyway, I haven't taken the time to try this.

Do note the disclaimer on that tutorial there regarding the visibility of your password though.

For everyone who needs to do this:

sshpass -p 'sshpassword' rsync --progress -avz -e ssh test@remhost:~/something/ ~/bak/

A variation on your solution which is more secure to security threats is to store your password in a file with tight permissions and use the -f flag with shpass:

sshpass -f '/home/me/.password' rsync --progress -avz -e ssh
test@remhost:~/something/ ~/bak/

The difference is that listing the running processes will not show your password in the command line, it will now only show the path to the file in which your password is.