I have just installed Ubuntu (v 17.10) for the first time and was suggested to reboot the system. portable Acer Inspire R3-131

Ubuntu cannot reboot:

[ 9934.778997] systemd-journald[955]: failed to send WATCHDOG=1 notification message: Transport endpoint is not connected

I'm not a specialist HELP

This is a bug, reproducable also in VM. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1754328

If there will be a fix, they have to: 1. Either release a new DVD ISO 2. Apply the updates during the installation

Update ubuntu properly. Write following commands in terminal:

sudo apt-get update

After completion update, Write following command in terminal:


Hopefully, Problem will be solved.
If the problem is still exits:

  • Press and Hold Power button and let the PC to turn off forcibly.
  • Turn on PC now, it will on perfectly.
  • if it throws fsck error, write command:
    fsck -yf /dev/sdaX