How do I indent a single line multiple times in vi or vim?

I've found several answers on how to indent multiple lines in vim, I want to know how to take a single line and indent it more than once. In effect, I want a shorter version of the following command: ">>>>>>>>>>" (That is 10 right bracket "greater-than" signs.)

Solution 1:

Select what you want (typically with v or Shift+v) then type 5>.

If you need to fix or repeat the same selection, use gv.

Solution 2:

You can select the current line by pressing v, and then type 5> to indent the current line 5 times, the equivalent of pressing > 10 times.

Solution 3:

One of the answers to "How do I indent multiple lines quickly in vi" showed me a neat trick to remap > in visual mode to reselect visual mode. In your .vimrc...

vnoremap < <gv
vnoremap > >gv

Then I just select the line (or lines) you want to indent and press the appropriate direction as many times as you want.

Solution 4:

Indent once the use . to redo the previous command or u to undo it.