New posts in xorg

How do I get OpenGL working on an Nvidia GeForce GT 750M?

How to shut down X?

Unable to start lightdm but can startx

Letting modifier keys act as toggles under X

How to position a specific window at startup using Gnome-shell?

Fixing 800x600 resolution in Toshiba NB510 (GMA 3650) with vesa driver

How to run Xorg programs on Wayland

Enable compiz on intel core i5 (Nvidia GT330M) based laptop

Ubuntu: .xsession-errors ate 37.1 GiB of disk space: What is causing that?

Starting awesome-wm when using startx?

"/etc/X11/X not executable" error when startx

NVIDIA Driver Suddenly Failed (20.04 LTS)

X11 forwarding: Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused. What is needed for an X11 connection?

Abort drag-and-drop from a busy program

Run KDE applet from command line (within i3wm)

Multiple WSL2 distros connected to single X11 server

How to tell to reload input device module? (Working around suspend-to-ram crash on Acer laptop)

saving a X config file for nvidia setting disables my PRIME internal display

Is there a way to turn off one Monitor in a Multiheaded setup like dpms force off does for all at once?

How to find the "Identifier" value for an Xorg conf "Device" graphics card section?