How to position a specific window at startup using Gnome-shell?

I'm running Ubuntu 21.04 and Gnome-shell on X. I have several Startup Applications configured in Gnome Tweaks, but how to control their window positions? This one-liner in a bash script does just what I want with Thunderbird for example:

xdotool search --name "Mozilla Thunderbird" windowmove 0 0

The question is how to get that script to run when I log in. Gnome Tweaks won't accept my script files as startup apps, and other places I have tried (e.g. .profile) seem to be run too early. What would be a place to put a script file to run when Gnome Shell has done its startup job? Or maybe a different solution altogether? Thanks :)

That is the function of GNOME Shell extension Put Windows.

enter image description here

Within the App, you can configure window performance by adjusting some simple settings.

enter image description here

For example. I use this for Firefox to position the initial FF window to the left of my monitor extending top to bottom and approximately 66% across the screen. Use of Keyboard Shortcuts gives even further control of windows and combined with Startup Applications places windows in the postions you want them.