New posts in xkb

Remap a key combination to another combination, e. g. Super+Ctrl+Shift+J -> Ctrl+Shift+Left

How to swap Command and Control keys with xkb step by step?

How can I reload my XKB configuration without restarting my computer or logging back in

Trying to remap my left SUPER key (also called WINDOWS key) to left or right CONTROL key, with xkg

Fake key code for remapped keyboard keys

Remap Caps Lock to Ctrl-b

What file is the setxkbmap option -rules meant to take, and how can I add keyboard variants to that file?

Why did 13.10 break my custom keyboard layout?

How to disable multimedia keys entirely? 18.04 LTS

Key '@' (Keycode 49) and key '<' (keycode 94) are inverted on macbookPro keyboard

How to add keyboard shortcuts? [duplicate]

How to add a new keyboard layout (Custom keyboard layout definition)

Static ordering of keyboard layout switching in Ubuntu 17.10 and later with GNOME 3

How can I change what keys on my keyboard do? (How can I create custom keyboard commands/shortcuts?)