New posts in xcom-enemy-within

What does the Kinetic Strike Module do?

Is the satellite rush tactic sustainable on classic?

How can I make my air force more effective?

Will augmented solders keep their previous rank when they become MEC troopers?

Should I go to the mission or hunt UFO?

What's the point of having more engineers?

Are there any benefits for eliminating Exalt forces on Covert Extraction?

Ammo Conservation for Plasma Weapons

Is there any way to make withdrawn country come back? [duplicate]

Sectopod Tactics

Mind Fray Debuff Amount

In XCOM EW LW Beta 15 Are mechs useful early game?

How is the damage done from the PSI - Rift ability calculated?

How can I launch Enemy Within from a shortcut?

Enemy Within with older DLCs

Does destroying a collected MELD canister decrease the amount of MELD received?

I'm bugged in a map and I'm going to lose my best soldier, what can I do to get him out?

How can I get the aliens to start doing abductions again?

Is it normal to have 12 activated Thin Men on month 3 on Impossible difficulty?

Is multiplayer possible between XCOM Enemy Unknown and XCOM Enemy Within?