New posts in windows-service

Win2008: SC SDSET - how to grant a specific local user rights to stop and start a specific local service?

How do I grant users the ability to install windows services?

Show status of a Windows service from the command prompt

Can Pageant be used by Windows services?

How do I grant "log on as a service" permission to a (local) from the command-line?

Cannot delete an existing service using sc command: The specified service does not exist as an installed service

Windows Error reporting stopped one service?

Why can a user grant themselves the Log On As A Service right?

In a Windows Service, will the Start Parameters be preserved if the Start is of type "Automatic"?

nginx stop/reload on windows failed for Access is denied

How do you prevent wuauserv (Windows Update Service) from restarting?

Automate Windows Robocopy with internal changes monitor /MON:1 option

Problems creating service using sc.exe

How to add SSH key to PuTTY Agent at startup in Windows Server?

How can I get the path to a Windows service executable WITHOUT using sc qc?

Set service StartType to Automatic - Delayed

Which service is responsible for GPO?

Windows Service vs. Task Scheduler with startup trigger

How to start a service with certain start parameters on Windows

Win Service running under LocalService account cannot access environment variables