New posts in voltage

Using alternate rating laptop charger [duplicate]

Mouse rating 1.5V | Can I use a 1.2V rechargeable battery safely?

How to optimize PLL voltage

Charge Apple computers bought in USA to use in Europe

Can I use different laptop charger- similar Voltage, higher Ampere? [duplicate]

PSU voltage with multimeter

Under what conditions will a group-regulated PSU damage a modern computer?

Different RAM voltage

Can I have too high a PSU power rating?

Server power requirements

Lenovo Trim Yellow rectangular power adapter

Got shocked by a native dell laptop charger outputting 19.5 V 6.5 A DC. It was REALLY uncomfortable, but was that dangerous?

Is it better to use an offset or manually set CPU voltage (with respect to CPU longevitity)?

Is it safe to use a laptop AC adapter with 220V power if the AC cable is not rated for 220V?

Can computer power supplies use North American 240V (hot-hot-ground)?

I am in a EU country where it says on the socket 16 A / 250 volt. Can I charge my laptop which takes 100-240 volt / ~1 A?

How can I detect the USB-C power delivery voltage?

How does Windows detect battery issues?

Hooking up my power switch/reset switch/LEDs

USB-C Chargers: Is it safe to charge a phone with a laptop's power supply?