New posts in vocabulary

Word or phrase expressing [pretentiousness of intentional/efforted design]?

An expression for quick and nervous behaviour

Is there a specific word in English for the owner of a pond/pool?

Is there any difference between 'represent' and 'represent for'?

What is the word for "knowledge of words?" [duplicate]

I made up the word, "performant". Has it occurred in the English language? [duplicate]

Word for brands becoming lexicon [duplicate]

A word for someone who occupies a position

Can one use the word 'majority' for the leading alternative (in a three way split) even if the proportion in favor is less than 50%?

What is "hoolihan" in "Old Paint" song?

Term for one brother–sister pair marrying another?

Capo = Cheerleader?

What is a word for implying someone else is wrong?

Meaning of "tea party"

Suggestions for a word meaning both testimony and reminder?

"Purge" vs. "expunge"

"Directory" for the main board in an airport, etc., informing people on arrivals/departures, floors/levels to certain stores, etc

"Trust" vs. "Cartel"

Can a person's name be used to represent a group of people?

What is the word to describe an advanced vocabulary?