New posts in virtualization

Ubuntu 16.04 Virtual Machine / XenServer Storage Extend Issue

How to create a virtual machine server image from a physical windows 2008 server?

VirtualBox error : kernel driver not installed(rc=-1908) [closed]

Windows Virtual Desktops - Doubts

OS X Lion Virtual Machine on Yosemite?

Which VM needs more resources?

Virtualization of Windows on Ubuntu 11.10 64 bit

Preferable VM software for a small dev team

vmware: how to virtualize nt server 4.0?

Maximum amount of hard drives in 64-bit Linux?

Enable hardware virtualization on Asus P8P67 motherboard?

How can I virtualize Mac OS X Lion?

How to check if Intel Virtualization is enabled without going to BIOS in Windows 10 [closed]

PC Emulator for OSX with driver support

How to run "Oracle VirtualBox (VBOX)" like a service after boot in fully background "Microsoft Windows (WIN)"?

Oracle DB on VMWare?

What are the security risks of using pfsense in a virtualised environment?

What role does virtualization play in a network with a SAN?

Risk when deploying virtualized production servers without in-house virtualization expertise?

How to use SPICE?