New posts in virtualization

Can VMWare ESX(i) pull the serial numbers of the physical hard drives of its physical host?

diffrence between virtual machine storage and san storage

Is paravirtualization evil?

How to convert flat raw disk image to vmdk for virtualbox or vmplayer?

Memory overcommitment on VMware ESXi 5.0

What is the difference between containers and virtual machines?

What is the difference between vagrant and juju?

How do I move my production servers into a development VM?

Cannot virtualize 64bit vagrant boxes

Is there a virtual machine with direct access to CPU and GPU for gaming?

How to detect if VT-X has been turned on in the BIOS?

How do I delete a virtualbox machine in the GURU_MEDITATION error state?

How to run Docker on an Azure Virtual Windows 10 machine [closed]

ESXi 5.5 (free) to Hyper-V Black Screen-Cursor Blinking

How to download games for Steam for another platform?

Is it possible to create an isolated environment to install 3rd party application into?

HyperKit - Docker Desktop for Mac - Is it possible to launch traditional Debian VMs?

Linux KVM on a Virtualbox

ESXi VM NTP Server

Vmware Workstation - Cannot open disks xxxx or one of the snapshot disks it depends on