How to download games for Steam for another platform?

Solution 1:

Valve's SteamCMD does just that. A short and incomplete transcript:

  1. Download and unpack steamcmd.
  2. Install 32-bit compatibility libs: sudo apt-get install lib32gcc1
  3. Login in the command line: ./ +@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType windows.
  4. In the steamcmd:
  5. login <username>
  6. force_install_dir <path>
  7. Find the app id of the game (it can be found in the game's store page URL:<app_id>).
  8. Download the game: app_update <app_id>

Solution 2:

Steam can also be tricked into downloading games that are unavailable on your platform.

To manually download the app whose id is $APPID into $INSTALLDIR, create the file named appmanifest_$APPID.acf in your steamapps folder¹ with the following contents:

  "AppID"  "$APPID"
  "Universe" "1"
  "installdir" "$INSTALLDIR"
  "StateFlags" "1026"

More information is available at the above link. Other solutions are possible, like using Lutris to manage your game library.

¹ Default location:

  • ~/.steam/steam/SteamApps on Linux
  • ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps on macOS