New posts in video-encoding

FFmpeg drops frames when encoding a png image sequence into an x264 mp4 video

Specifying parameters to create videos for ffmpeg's concat demuxer (to avoid a large re-encode)

How can I remove multiple segments from a video while keeping the audio?

How can I get high quality/low size MP4s like the LOL release group?

Shouldn't we always use Web Optimized for Handbrake?

How can I re-encode H.264 video with minimal quality loss?

What ffmpeg command line produces video more compatible across all devices?

How do I replace the audio in an MP4 file without re-encoding?

Is there any way to distribute x264 encoding jobs across multiple computers (to increase the encoding speed)?

How can I use CRF encoding with nvenc in ffmpeg?

How to cut video files by frame [duplicate]

Convert from MOV to MP4 Container format

Which resize algorithm to choose for videos?

How do I convert 10-bit H.265 / HEVC videos to H.264 without quality loss?

How to generate an MP4 with H.265 codec using FFmpeg?

ffmpeg settings for converting still images to video for archival

Cheat sheets and presets-settings that actually work with FFmpeg 1.0?

How to compile the best version of FFmpeg for Windows

How do I reduce the size of a huge MP4 video?

How to specify audio and video bitrate