New posts in variance

Probability of exceeding a value with a given expectation and variance?

Is the variance concave?

Calculation of the correlation coefficient of these quantities $S = 3X + 3Y + 2Z + U + V + W$ and $T = 9X + 3Y + 2Z + 2U + V + W$ [closed]

Why does $ \operatorname{Var}(X) = E[X^2] - (E[X])^2 $

Weak Convergence of centered and scaled sum to a non-degenerate limit implies existence of the second moments of the sequence

Sample variance: degree of freedom argument

What is the variance of this unbiased estimator for a normal distribution?

Can random variable $X$ take $2$ (or more values) in this situation?

Does I<D> re-implement I<B> if I<D> is convertible to I<B> by variance conversion?

Calculating the Expectation and Variance of having pairs after selecting N people

Expected Value Gambling Qn

Why square a constant when determining variance of a random variable?

How do we calculate the expected value of $Y$?

Calculating the independence sum of variance

Show that $E^2(XY) \leq E(X^2)E(Y^2)$.

Calculation of correlation with knowledge of expected values and variances

Random variable defined on the IID taken from cauchy distribution

Variance of fair die roll - two in a row

Find the expectation and standard deviation of the combined mass of rock samples collected

Chebyshev's inequality to find minimum