New posts in user-interface

Can I move layers one pixel at a time (using arrow keys for example) in GIMP?

How to do page navigation for many, many pages? Logarithmic page navigation

Strange black box appearing in wpf application

How to display more than 3- levels of expandable List View?

How to test if a fragment view is visible to the user?

file upload in react. not able to understand issue

jQuery animate scroll

Problems with screen in Windows 7? Graphics gets stuck [duplicate]

Animate ProgressBar update in Android

iOS 7 UIRefreshControl tintColor not working for beginRefreshing

Programmatically Lighten a Color

GetView Vs. BindView in a custom CursorAdapter?

How can I do GUI programming in C? [closed]

Web interface for Gitolite [closed]

Smart progress bar ETA computation

What is the shortest perceivable application response delay?

Jquery ui - sortable: drag by icon 'handle' within sortable element

Disable "Print..." in Context menu of selected text in Chrome

Sending messages between two JPanel objects

MongoDB GUI client (cross-platform or Linux) [closed]