New posts in unity-dash

How do I change the order in which lenses appear in the dash?

How do you move the Unity Dash with a dual monitor setup?

Can't change the Dash Color

How can I move the Dash button from the Unity launcher to the top panel?

How do I show a list of applications in Unity?

Manually installed files to display in dash

How to get the shutdown & restart icon back in dash

How can I enable one-click open in the unity dash? [duplicate]

How to get Google Drive (Docs) search to work in Unity Dash?

How to make the Dash Button go straight to the Applications menu?

How to search in another language than the system language?

How can I remove Google Chrome from Unity launcher?

Accidently renamed the

How to permanently enable in-dash calculator in 13.10

Why is cat running as a daemon on Ubuntu 12.04?

Is there a tool to manage dash lenses?

How to speed up search in dash?

Duplicate Application Icons appear in Dash

How to make dash load faster in unity-2d

Ubuntu calculator in dash