How do I change the order in which lenses appear in the dash?

Application lenses seem to be ordered alphabetically by default:

enter image description here

From left to right: dash home --> applications --> extras-unity-lens-wikipedia --> files --> music --> recoll --> video

Is there any way you can change this order? Perhaps by modifying the .lens files in /usr/share/unity/lenses?

I'd rather hear from someone who has done this already before messing around on my own.

Solution 1:

Aking 1012 was right, almost. You have to change both the folder name and the .lens name in the folder for the change to take effect.

Head to /usr/share/unity/lenses:

gksu nautilus /usr/share/unity/lenses

Rename both the lens folder and the .lens file to change their alphabetical order, e.g.:

recoll --> yrecoll


recoll.lens --> yrecoll.lens

I found that editing the default lenses was quite buggy and resulted in some scopes being disabled. That's why I settled for editing my custom lenses only. This is the result for yrecoll and zwikipedia:

enter image description here

Solution 2:

You can change dconf settings to re-order the lenses.

In the dash open dconf-editor.

Then, go to com>caconical>unity>dash. Change the value of the key "home-lens-ordering" to the specific order you want.

I do not recommend changing folder/.lens name since whenever that specific lens calls the configuration file, it will not find it!

Hope this helps.