New posts in tty

pam_tty_audit and non privileged users

How can I get colors in TTY working correctly?

ttylog attaches to the wrong process - release notes a bit hard to understand too

How to make the VT display chinese characters?

How do *nix pseudo-terminals work ? What's the master/slave channel?

How to export X Display with Audio?

How to launch GUI app (in Ctrl+Alt+F7) from tty (Ctrl+Alt+F1-F6)

Switching to another TTY after running startx and returning breaks Xorg

Can I login to multiple terminals with the same user safely on Linux?

root profile error

Ubuntu 17.10 require switch to tty7 while shudown/restart

How does login get to startx

Switching between console and GUI in ubuntu

How do i read single character input from keyboard using nasm (assembly) under ubuntu?

When process writes to pseudoterminal slave, why it doesn't read what it wrote?

How do I change back to my X-session (GUI) tty?

Start New Remote X Session In Separate TTY

How to silently broadcast a warning from a cronjob via "wall"?

Have to take ownership of USB port after each reboot

Piping data to Linux program which expects a TTY (terminal)