New posts in touch-bar

How do you enable the app-context-dependent touch bar for Photoshop on the new 2016 rmbp

Is there a way to flip the touchbar icons?

How can I fix a Macbook Pro when the Touch Bar doesn't work?

Shortcut for mirroring touch bar

Why doesn't Karabiner map F2 from the touch bar? [duplicate]

Keyboard shortcut to sleep a Mac's touchbar

How to use FN keys as FN keys on macbook pro touchbar for ALL apps?

Why are my Touch Bar volume controls grayed out (disabled)?

TouchID option not displayed / stops working

Turn off Touch bar Preview on display

Function keys default

What is this button on my MacBook Pro Touch Bar?

Resetting screen brightness setting in touchbar MacBook Pro during boot

Adding custom buttons to the Touch Bar without external apps

Make volume and brightness sliders stay open on macbook pro touch bar

Can't relaunch/use finder on a 2019 MacBook Pro

Keyboard backlight UI stuck on Touch Bar MacBook Pro

How do I remove Siri from the collapsed Control Strip?

Touchbar Sending Virtual Keypresses to Amazon Workspaces

Setting up touch ID - "unable to complete Touch ID setup"