New posts in totient-function

Values taken by Euler's phi function

Help to prove that $ U_{p} $ is a cyclic group.

totient function series diverges?

An integer is prime iff $\phi(n) \mid n-1$ and $n+1 \mid \sigma (n)$

A conjecture: for all $n\in\mathbb{N}$, the least $k>1$ such that $\phi(k)\geqslant n$ is a prime

Finite-order elements of $\text{GL}_4(\mathbb{Q})$

Properties of the euler totient function

Proving $P(n) =n^{\phi(n)} \prod\limits_{d \mid n} \left(\frac{d!}{d^d} \right)^{\mu(n/d)}$

Group with exactly $n$ elements of order $n$, then $n$ has at most two prime divisors

Prove that $\phi(n) \geq \sqrt{n}/2$

Euler totient function sum of divisors. Theorem 2.2 Apostol

For what $k\in\mathbb{N}$ does the equation $\phi(n)=k$ has no solution? [duplicate]

What is the smallest value of $n$ for which $\phi(n) \ne \phi(k)$ for any $k<n,$ where $n=4m$?

Number of positive integers $\le n$ which are a multiple of $p$

inversion of the Euler totient function

Show that $\phi(mn) = \phi(m)\phi(n)\frac{d}{\phi(d)}$ [duplicate]

How to calculate these totient summation sums efficiently?

Updates on Lehmer's Totient Problem

Why is $f(x) = x\phi(x)$ one-to-one?

Proving formula involving Euler's totient function