New posts in topological-vector-spaces

Hahn-Banach theorem: 2 versions

Are weakly compact sets bounded?

Do continuous linear functions between Banach spaces extend?

Let $E$ be a topological vector space and $f:E \to \mathbb R$ linear. Then $f$ is continuous if and only if $f$ is continuous at $0$.

Dual of a dual cone

Proof that every normed vector space is a topological vector space

Let $E$ be a t.v.s. and $f$ linear. Is is true that $\{x \in E \mid f(x) = \alpha\}$ is closed implies $f$ is continuous?

Let $E$ be a t.v.s. and $f$ linear. The hyperplane $\{x \in E \mid f(x) = \alpha\}$ is closed if and only if $f$ is continuous

Let $E$ be a t.v.s. and $A, B \subseteq E$ with $A$ compact and $B$ closed. Then $A+B$ is closed

Jordan decomposition functional $C^*$-algebra [closed]

Weak *-topology of $X^*$ is metrizable if and only if ...

Learning Aid for Basic Theorems of Topological Vector Spaces in Functional Analysis

$A,B$ bounded $\Rightarrow$ $A+B$ bounded

Does every $\mathbb{R},\mathbb{C}$ vector space have a norm?

Is the set of positive-definite symmetric matrices open in the set of all matrices?

Question about proof that finite-dimensional subspaces of normed vector spaces are direct summands

When is a notion of convergence induced by a topology?

Semi-Norms and the Definition of the Weak Topology

When do weak and original topology coincide?

What is the topological dual of a dual space with the weak* topology?