New posts in timezone

Timezone Abbreviations

How to get time zone name from an offset?

How to convert date time from one time zone to another time zone

Get Timezone Information in VBA (Excel)

Handling dates when we switch to daylight savings time and back

How to change the default time zone in R?

Using automatic setting but getting wrong timezone (missing 30 minutes)

UTC Date/Time String to Timezone

How to automatically detect user's timezone?

Mac chooses wrong date/time which is 7 hours ahead of the timezone chosen

JSF convertDateTime with timezone in datatable

Is there a difference between the UTC and Etc/UTC time zones?

django 1.4 vs

Automatically detect user's current local time with JavaScript or PHP

Set global time zone

PostgreSQL date() with timezone

How to get Time Zone through IP Address in PHP [duplicate]

.NET DateTime.Now returns incorrect time when time zone is changed

javascript timezone conversion using momentjs

CentOS not considering daylight saving on timezone