How to automatically detect user's timezone?
Solution 1:
Use javascript solution
Demo should show your timezone in select box. (Dead link)
Solution 2:
You can't get a user's timezone on the server side, and you can only make a guess at it on the client side.
If you rely on getting the user's IP address then you could geolocate that and deduce a time.
The way this is usually done is by asking the user (when they register, for instance) what timezone they are in and then use this in your time calculations.
Solution 3:
For geolocation you can use, work great with an API!
function GeoLocation($precision='city',$ip,$api) {
if($precision == "country") {
$file = "ip_query_country.php";
else {
$file = "ip_query.php";
$params = @file_get_contents("".$api."&ip=".$ip."&timezone=true");
$fields = @new SimpleXMLElement($params);
foreach($fields as $field => $val) {
$result[(string)$field] = (string)$val;
return $result;
Solution 4:
With a small "cheating" (using client side scripting) and posting the result to your server, you can access your client's timezone.
For example you can use this javascript library:
var tz = jstz.determine(); // Determines the time zone of the browser client; // Returns the name of the time zone eg "Europe/Berlin"