OutOfMemoryException on declaration of Large Array
Each double
is 8 bytes, so you're trying to allocate a single array with just over 5GB. The CLR has a per-object limit of around 2GB IIRC, even for a 64-bit CLR. In other words, it's not the total amount of memory available that's the problem (although obviously you'll have issues if you don't have enough memory), but the per-object size.
I suggest you split it into smaller arrays, perhaps behind a facade of some description. I don't believe there's any way to workaround that limit for a single array.
EDIT: You could go for an array of arrays - aka a jagged array:
double[][] array = new double[12000][];
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
array[i] = new double[55000];
Would that be acceptable to you?
(You can't use a rectangular array (double[,]
) as that would have the same per-object size problem.)
Since you can't create objects larger than 2GB you can try to use MemoryMappedFile to work with chunk of memory of the required size.
var data = MemoryMappedFile.CreateNew("big data", 12000L * 55000L);
var view = data.CreateViewAccessor();
var rnd = new Random();
for (var i = 0L; i < 12000L; ++i)
for (var j = 0L; j < 55000L; ++j)
var input = rnd.NextDouble();
view.Write<double>(i * 55000L + j, ref input);
Providing that your total memory is sufficient, you can prevent Out of memory exceptions resulting from LOH fragmentation by creating a bunch of smaller arrays, and wrapping them in a single IList<T>
, or some other indexed interface.
Here is a link which describes it:
BigArray<T>, getting around the 2GB array size limit
Credits: this post (C# chunked array).