New posts in time-capsule

Time Machine: first backup keeps growing while backing up, never completes

How can I turn off my Time Capsule's wireless router?

Is there a way to power down an AirPort Time Capsule gracefully?

Time Machine backup .sparsebundle file inaccessible on new computer

Over 25 gb of Space Disappeared

I need to back up the way Time Capsule used to, post-Catalina

Why is Time Machine backing up to .sparsebundle file?

Can Linux mount a normal Time Machine sparse bundle disk image directory?

Clean Lion install, keeping Time Machine history?

Why won't my Time Capsule extend my wireless network?

Can I use a Time Capsule as an all-purpose storage disk?

What's the fastest way to get data off Time Capsule and onto an external drive?

Is it possible to use an Apple Time Capsule just as a network attached backup drive and not a router?

How can I access my Time Capsule remotely?

Copying Time Machine backup, destination takes more than original size, are hardlinks being expanded?

How do I know if a time machine backup is running?

Will Time Capsule work on a college dorm's WiFi network?

Upgraded to Lion: Time Machine spends a LOT of time indexing backup

How do I move a USB Time Machine backup to a Time Capsule?

How can I "clean out" my Time Machine backups if Time Machine won't backup because the disk is full?