New posts in time-capsule

How to inherit sparsebundle on macOS Server Time Machine service?

Can I inherit a Time Machine backup if I clone my HD?

Difficulty to inherit Time Machine backups on new MacBook Pro

How do I temporarily relocate my Time Machine backup files

What are the advantages of Time Capsule over Airport Extreme with an external hard drive?

Does the Apple AirPort Extreme A1521 have a time capsule in it?

How to enable Time Machine to backup the data ON an SD Card? (NOT backup TO an SD card)

Time Machine backs up a huge quantity of data on every run

Are Time Machine backups to an external disk attached to a Time Capsule supported?

Can I transfer backups when replacing a Time Capsule?

Time Capsule and multiple Macs

Time Machine completed a verification of your backups. To improve reliability, Time Machine must create a new backup for you

Enhance Wifi range on a TimeCapsule

Time Machine - move backup from local disk to network volume. Wrong case sensitivity?

Limit the size for backups on a Time Capsule

How to set up Time Capsule in wireless bridge mode?

Is it easy to mount my Time Capsule after a clean install (without any restore) so that I can copy individual files from it?

Time Machine backup silently fails. Log says "Backup canceled."

Using Linux computer as time capsule - possible but any experiences?

Can I move data from old to new Time Capsule through USB?