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Passing "this" in java constructor

'this' keyword, not clear

How does event handlers with arrow functions achieve context binding

How to function call using 'this' inside forEach loop

Is it safe to use the "this" pointer in an initialization list?

Why can we use 'this' as an instance method parameter?

How do I bind an object method to its context if the object method is passed to a function as an argument

Excessive use of `this` in C++ [duplicate]

jQuery/JavaScript "this" pointer confusion

does not set value in angular2 when use google picker [duplicate]

Why must I use the "this" keyword for forward references?

Why does String.prototype log it's object like a standard object, while Array.prototype logs it's object like a standard array?

How to bind onclick handlers to `this` properly on React

JavaScript object functions and `this` when unbound and returned in expression/parens

How to reference the caller object ("this") using attachEvent

JS Object this.method() breaks via jQuery

"this" inside object [duplicate]

Does the comma operator influence the execution context in Javascript?

Difference between $(this) and this in jquery

The reason to use JS .call() method?