Excessive use of `this` in C++ [duplicate]

Solution 1:

Your version is a bit cleaner, but while you're at it, I would:

  1. Avoid leading underscore: _x is ok until somebody chooses _MyField which is a reserved name. An initial underscore followed by a capital letter is not allowed as a variable name. See: What are the rules about using an underscore in a C++ identifier?
  2. Make the attribute private or protected: the change is safe if it compiles, and you'll ensure your setter will be used.
  3. The this-> story has a use, for example in templated code to make the field name dependent on your type (can solve some lookup issues).

A small example of name resolutions which are fixed by using an explicit this-> (tested with g++ 3.4.3):

#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>

class A
  int g_;
  A() : g_(1) {}
  const char* f() { return __FUNCTION__; }

const char* f() { return __FUNCTION__; }
int g_ = -1;

template < typename Base >
struct Derived : public Base
  void print_conflicts()
    std::cout << f() << std::endl; // Calls ::f()
    std::cout << this->f() << std::endl; // Calls A::f()
    std::cout << g_ << std::endl; // Prints global g_
    std::cout << this->g_ << std::endl; // Prints A::g_

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   Derived< A >().print_conflicts();
   return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Solution 2:

Field naming has nothing to do with a codesmell. As Neil said, field visibility is the only codesmell here.

There are various articles regarding naming conventions in C++:

  • naming convention for public and private variable?
  • Private method naming convention
  • c++ namespace usage and naming rules


Solution 3:

This usage of 'this' is encouraged by Microsoft C# coding standards. It gives a good code clarity, and is intended to be a standard over the usage of m_ or _ or anything else in member variables.

Honestly, I really dislike underscore in names anyway, I used to prefix all my members by a single 'm'.

Solution 4:

A lot of people use this because in their IDE it will make a list of identifiers of the current class pop up.

I know I do in BCB.

I think the example you provide with the naming conflict is an exception. In Delphi though, style guidelines use a prefix (usually "a") for parameters to avoid exactly this.