New posts in tensor

What is a batch in TensorFlow?

RuntimeError: Expected all tensors to be on the same device

How do I shift specific elements of a tensor with torch.roll?

How to understand the term `tensor` in TensorFlow?

ValueError: only one element tensors can be converted to Python scalars when converting list to float Torch tensor

How do I get the value of a tensor in PyTorch?

Pytorch reshape tensor dimension

PyTorch: How to get the shape of a Tensor as a list of int

tf.shape() get wrong shape in tensorflow

What is an intuitive explanation of np.unravel_index?

Assign part of a tensor to the corresponding places in another tensor

CUDA error: device-side assert triggered on Colab

What's the difference between "hidden" and "output" in PyTorch LSTM?

Initialise pytorch convolution layer with my own values

Conditional substract in tensorflow

Pytorch preferred way to copy a tensor

Why do we "pack" the sequences in PyTorch?

How do I add only certain columns to a tensor in tensorflow?

How to slice according to batch in the tensorflow array?

How to insert certain values to a tensor in tensorflow?