New posts in tcp

If BufReader takes ownership of a stream, how can I read and write lines on it?

Trying to make iptables stateless is causing unforeseen filtering

How does a server get notified about the HTTP request?

Are there STUN implementations that can sometimes handle symmetric NATs?

What are the retransmission rules for TCP?

Using an existent TCP connection to send packets

Is the same port acting as both client and server?

Does hole punching require a UDP rendezvous server Or could it be a TCP one?

Why is bind() used in TCP? Why is it used only on server side and not in client side?

TCP/IP packet transmission through NAT

How valuable is TCP Window Scaling?

Which process is using port 4000 (identified as remoteanything by nmap)?

Sniffer for localhost (Windows OS) [closed]

TCP timeout for established connections in Windows

Postfix protocol error attempting email address validation with SMTP

How to find the largest UDP packet I can send without fragmenting?

what is a good invalid IP address to use for unit tests?

Need help troubleshooting intermittant TCP timeout in HAProxy

Discovering public IP programmatically

Why is port 1111 open, and is it safe to be?