New posts in system-settings

What are the default groups for a new standad user in Kubuntu?

Sound Settings is missing all output devices [duplicate]

Is it possible to remove items from "System Settings"

System Settings doesn't close and continuously changes focus to itself from any other window

Cannot access to (or find out) main Settings program

How can I quickly see a list of the keyboard shortcuts?

Appearance icon has disappeared from system settings menu

Settings for multiple monitors are not stored

Almost no item in network config of GUI setting on Ubuntu 18.04

How to setup VPN using an .ovpn file? [duplicate]

Mouse & Touchpad Separate Settings Missing

What is the clenest way to intriduce a scanner into System Settings?

Ubuntu 18.04 opening system setting logs me out

How to permanently turn off online results

How can I keep the computer awake, depending on activity?

No Sound card detected in Sound Settings, although sound works

Swappiness on WSL2 gets reset to 60

Is it possible to add custom items to System Settings window?

Settings not opening in Ubuntu 20.04

System Settings won't start, Ubuntu 16.04