New posts in switchable-graphics

Where Catalyst stores applist for switchable graphics?

AMD discrete GPU doesn't work, only the motherboard integrated graphics does [duplicate]

Can I make laptop automatically switch between integrated and discrete GeForce GPU when unplugging power cable in Windows 10?

Windows fails to boot after setting "Switchable Graphics" to "Fixed Mode" on laptop

Any way to make switching between discrete and integrated graphics from the BIOS work with proprietary drivers?

How can I use my built-in AMD Radeon 7670m instead of Intel HD 4000 Graphics?

Run a program using NVIDIA dedicated GPU only when plugged into power

No way my laptop will use nVidia chip instead of integrated graphics

Is my mobile AMD card being used?

How to force Intel Graphics instead of Radeon?

Disabling NVIDIA card on hybrid graphics laptop

Which of the ATI Dynamic Switchable Graphics are used when there is no "switching" utility?

How to re-configure graphics from Intel integrated to Intel / ATI switchable?

Switchable graphics in Ubuntu

Ubuntu 11.04 - disable NVIDIA graphics card

How can I ensure my Samsung Series 7 is actually using the Radeon switchable graphics?