New posts in super-smash-bros-ultimate

Do I receive more rewards by playing hard difficulty?

How can I guarantee that I will beat the Duck Hunt challenge (grants Mew spirit) in World of Light?

Super Smash Bros Ultimate on Switch - Black Screen after Title Screen

Do Olimar and Alph have the same hurtboxes?

How do I deal with Dark Pit players as Samus/D. Samus?

How to create a custom Mii fighter character for Smash Bros Ultimate? [closed]

What's it mean when a figure player is marked as "Light" or "Cool"

Controlling Robin's neutral attack combo: Arcfire or Elwind

Do the Passive Shields of the Hero Alts have different hitboxes?

Is Min Min's Final Smash Pre-rendered?

Which Smash Ultimate characters have additional moves?

What exactly does Wii Fit Trainer's Deep Breathing down special do?

Is there a list of all the required spirits I need to progress in World of Light?

Is there an easy way to find duplicate spirits?

What's the fastest way to farm gold?

Is there any benefit to leveling a spirit before dismissing?

How do you select your starter Pokemon before a match?

Do multiple hits from the same Simon/Richter boomerang add multiple hits to the staleness queue?

If you buy a dlc amiibo in super smash bros (nintendo switch) will the amiibo purchase the dlc character

Which characters can best take advantage of the "Stats Increase after eating" spirit?