New posts in string

Does StringBuilder use more memory than String concatenation?

Explode a paragraph into sentences in PHP

How to find and count emoticons in a string using python?

Are strings pooled in Python?

Case insensitive matching in Java switch-case statement

PHP string doesn't allow < and > characters

Build a Comma Delimited String

Converting String List into Int List in SQL

Deleting consonants from a string in Python

Javascript split by spaces but not those in quotes

.net string class alternative

Javascript Regex - Find all possible matches, even in already captured matches

string replacement with random element in Python

Does jQuery strip some html elements from a string when using .html()?

Create string with specified number of characters

When would you use an array rather than a vector/string?

How to increment count in the replacement string when using preg_replace?

Engineering notation in C#?

How can I accommodate a string with both single and double quotes inside of it in JavaScript

Python: get string representation of PyObject?