New posts in star-wars-battlefront-2-2017

Do review copies of Star Wars Battlefront II receive special crates with better items?

Can you use two Star Cards with the same name at once?

Melee in Star Wars Battlefront II

Does Kylo Ren's "Resilience" ability refer to an enemy or an ally?

Benefit of levelling up

Do any of the single player modes grant experience points or towards trooper challenges?

Global color of trooper or starfighter class

Do all the buyable crates give the same amount of crafting parts?

Do cards that increase battle point accumulation also increase xp gain?

What percentage of damage to heroes is permanent?

How do star card upgrades apply to different varieties of the same vehicle?

Which heroes move the fastest along the ground?

What are the specific stats of the abilities and Hero weapons?

Specialist Improved Thermal Binocular - How to tag enemies?

After my Ps Plus expired, do I keep my progress on the free games

What is a "Sacrifice" bonus?

Yellow marks on the map in SW Battlefront II

How does Voice Chat work in Battlefront 2