New posts in ssl-certificate-errors

Cannot get cURL or wget to validate some SSL certificates

openssl keeps creating v1 certificate instead of v3

Can't secure sub domain with SSL

Email server certificate valid according to CheckTLS, invalid according to Thunderbird

Haproxy 1.5 - Usage of multiple certificates (wildcard)

SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP error with signed certifcate

Enterprise CA Certificate request error

Redirecting Error with google load balancer

Nginx Revers Proxy Overwrite Certificate

SSL client certificate authentication returns "21:unable to verify the first certificate"

SSL issues "Peer's certificate issuer has been marked as not trusted by the user."

MySQL SSL error: wrong version number

OpenDKIM-provided tools do not provide a usable key-pair for DKIM

Errors when attempting to connect to PostgreSQL 9.6 using SSL wildcard server certificate and no client certificates

Exim4 client rejecting TLS certificate

How to add server certificate exception to Chrome/Edge?

Two Way SSL Error - 400 The SSL certificate error just for client certificate

Is the alert “SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert bad certificate” indicating that the SSL failed