New posts in ssid

Wireless SSID in Windows 8.1 changes to "<networkname> 2" upon first connection

Wifi network SSID not visible

I named identically 5GHz SSID on my router. Will it roam automatically?

Remove the "2" after the SSID on Windows 8.0

How does a WiFi client choose an AP if two have the same SSID?

Is there a standard that defines what is a valid SSID and password?

Dual-band wifi router to dual-band extender: can/should I use a single SSID name?

What happens if two networks have the same SSID and password?

Considerations about using multiple Wireless Access Points with the same channel and SSID

Why does Windows 7 assume there is a new network connection when connecting to an existing access point?

Why disabled SSID broadcast on router leads to undiscoverable machines in lan

Wi-Fi opt-out Microsoft & Google

Multiple access point with same SSID but all connections goes to only one access point

Finding SSID of a wireless network with Java

How do I see the BSSID of the Wifi AP I'm currently connected to in Windows?

Is it possible to have multiple repeaters in a network with just 1 uniform SSID?

Get SSID when WIFI is connected

How to find what channel the SSID is on?

Can my ISP see SSIDs on my router/modem provided by the ISP?

What happens if my neighbour sets his wifi SSID the same as mine?