New posts in sql-server

Specific site unable to connect to MSSQL server after reboot

How to pivot unknown number of columns & no aggregate in SQL Server?

Threat Management Gateway 2010 is killing SQL Connections

UNION ALL vs OR condition in sql server query

Getting Hibernate and SQL Server to play nice with VARCHAR and NVARCHAR

How do I connect to SQL Server via sqlalchemy using Windows Authentication?

How can I get a list of element names from an XML value in SQL Server

Perform regex (replace) in an SQL query

How to use a CTE statement in a table-valued function in SQL Server

Wait on the Database Engine recovery handle failed. Check the SQL server error log for potential causes

Instead of trigger in SQL Server loses SCOPE_IDENTITY?

Can a database table be without a primary key?

SQL query question: SELECT ... NOT IN

What does "ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)" mean?

Compare a date string to datetime in SQL Server?

Why can't indexed views have a MAX() aggregate?

How to set multiple values inside an if else statement?

How to do a case sensitive GROUP BY?

Returning multiple tables from a stored procedure

"Order By" using a parameter for the column name