New posts in speed

Is there a way to play iTunes U files at 2x speed?

Why is my external hard drive transferring so slowly on USB 3.0?

Do shortcuts and folders on the desktop really slow the PC down? [closed]

How To Move The Windows Folder To A Different Drive?

Ethernet is fast but wi-fi is slow?

Horribly slow write speed of HDD

How to tell if an empty PCI Express slot is 1.0, 2.0 etc? (general test, or enquiry command, not refer to spec)

Memory: trading off CAS latency versus speed

Increasing download speed for torrents?

PCI max throughput

Opening VLC media player 3 takes a long time to open

Why is a failing hard disk slow?

How to measure actual USB3 port speed?

Hard Drive read speed below 2 MB/sec. Normal? How to improve?

How to measure data transfer speed between my internal SATA HDD and External USB HDD?

Does Unix grep work faster with long or short search terms?

Does an INTERNAL USB hub affect performance?

Cable modem speed test

Is there a video player that can go at various speeds?

Fast access to shared folder