New posts in sort

How can I iterate through a folder and move/copy every Nth item

Stop finder using cover flow in icon view

Sort with case-sensitivity (lowercase before uppercase) in macOS in the Terminal

How to sort photos inside a photo album in the Photos app on an iPhone by date [PC]?

How do I get rid of the sub headings in finder with "arrange be date created" in Lion

How to count occurrences of text in a file?

Reverse icon view order in Finder

Is there a tool or an app to automatically sort home screen icons?

Personal sorting system in the finder's windows

Nautilus sorts the Name-column "mysteriously". How can I change the collating sequence?

How do I sort by human readable sizes numerically?

need high performance /bin/sort; any suggestions?

How do I enter Dutch names in Address Book?

Sorting Contacts in Other Languages

Manage Sort options in OS X Photos App

macOS Catalina - how to set up Finder to use file sorting logic same as ls command (alphabetical order, not "natural")? [duplicate]

Sort by reverse option

Change Finder sort from descending to ascending in anything but list view?

How to sort files with a certain permission by size?

Sort list of numbers using the zsh shell in Mac OS X