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Error: It seems the App source is not there: '/usr/local/Caskroom/multibit/0.5.19/'

How does one interpret Load Average in iStat menus?

Term describing a tolerable error in context of software

How do I remove the right side bar on Sublime Text?

Identify and tag music from iTunes library under OS X

How does the hardware know the restart? [closed]

Where should I install new (source code) software on a Mac?

Macbook Pro wont open apps or download content due to Error Code: -50. [duplicate]

Programmer slang expression for "We'll cross the bridge when we get there"

Is there a CVS client for Mac OS X?

How can I install and run R on an iPad?

How do I set up an IRC server on OS X for my local network?

Should I use 32 or 64bit Mac OS X apps?

How to completely remove Nix package manager?

Installing the most recent version of Ruby on Snow Leopard

Parallels window problem

Is there a native/cocoa REST client for Mac OS X?

Where can I find software for the Mac Classic?

Opposite of "failover"

Best resources on data recovery from corrupted OS X HFS+ partitions