New posts in software-recommendation

Clipboard manager that syncs to iPhone?

Is there a way in Ubuntu to rip a CD to FLAC and add ReplayGain tags automatically?

Can anyone recommend a stop watch or timer which stays always on top?

App to use iMac as digital photo frame for photos on a network drive?

RSS reader that can sync across computers?

Good alternative for Rhythmbox for Podcasts?

Command line translator

Save Podcast on iPhone without Downloading

Lightweight SQL server to serve .sql content

Permanently prune backups created by Time Machine

Is there a replacement for Fences?

Interactive Desktop Wallpapers

Software to Watch Lectures

How can I hide or show a different IP to a website?

Alert when a wifi network is detected?

Is there any voice recognition software (with GUI) for Ubuntu desktop?

Is there something similar to the Android AppDrawer/App Launcher?

Is there some way that I can see performance in Ubuntu? [duplicate]

2d story maker?

Looking for an alternative 18.04 desktop environment that works well with multiple monitors and workspaces like Unity did