New posts in software-recommendation

PCB software available for gnome

What software for video editing should a G5 Tower Use?

Are There Any Text Browsers for iOS?

Is there software like Music Maker?

Best log file monitoring tool for ubuntu server

Diary App for Mac OS X (equivalent to Chronories)

Is there any image editing software that can open Microsoft DirectDraw Surface files in Ubuntu?

Which free software can you use to create rotating 3D Spacefill models of molecules in .gif format?

Video broadcasting application for OS X

Is there an iPad app that lets me program animations?

Is there simple note-taking tool available for Mac?

Remove useless files from a Mac

Is there a Mac text editor that has live display of unique word count?

Seeking OS X app recommendation: instant text entry

What are some alternatives to the Mac App Store?

Accessing files/folders on home machine over internet

Private alternative to Google Docs?

Video player for macOS with jumping by subs and speed control

How can I successively trigger an AppleScript very quickly?

SVN client for Mac [closed]