New posts in smtp

Setting the IP address that the SMTP service uses in Windows Server 2008

How do I select a new SMTP "Primary Server"?

Mail SMTP server list discrepancy

What does dis=NONE mean in an email's Authentication-Results header?

How to configure basic authentication in IIS SMTP Server?

Sending email fails when two factor authentication is on for Gmail

reason: 403 4.7.0 TLS handshake failed

How to make Request Tracker use an external SMTP mail server?

Setup a local testing SMTP server

How can I route a SMTP message by FROM domain (not To, CC, or BCC)

Should I listen for SMTP on both 25 and 587?

exim configuration: 503 AUTH command used when not advertised

How to find out that SMTP server is in open relay?

In the mail header, what does the "received from" ip refer to?

What does SMTP 'designate' term mean?

How can I disable sending mail through postfix smtp without auth

What diagnosis steps can I do if my emails send, but are not received, not even as spam?

MX priority server behaviour

What does "Mail Deferred:" mean in Linux Logwatch

Is it practical to run a private SMTP server on a static IP in 2020/2021?