New posts in sinon

Stubbing a Mongoose model with Sinon

Sinon stub function used with destructuring

how to to make sinon return non promise I do mock expect

How do you mock MySQL (without an ORM) in Node.js?

How to mock e.preventDefault in react component's child

How to Unit Test React-Redux Connected Components?

How do I stub new Date() using sinon?

Javascript: Mocking Constructor using Sinon

How to properly unit test jQuery's .ajax() promises using Jasmine and/or Sinon?

How does one stub promise with sinon?

Sinon JS "Attempted to wrap ajax which is already wrapped"

How to mock/replace getter function of object with Jest?

How to test an ES6 class that needs jquery?

Proxyquire, rewire, SandboxedModule, and Sinon: pros & cons

Can sinon stub withArgs match some but not all arguments

How to stub process.env in node.js?

Unable to mock event handler on test

Stubbing a class method with Sinon.js

Sinon error Attempted to wrap function which is already wrapped

How to mock localStorage in JavaScript unit tests?