New posts in sidebar

Google Desktop sidebar replacement?

Finder favourites bar disappeared in "open/save file" dialog box [duplicate]

Removing connected servers from sidebar

How can I assign a keyboard shortcut to open a bookmark on FireFox? [duplicate]

Re-colorize iTunes/iPhoto sidebar icons?

How to include the toctree in the sidebar of each page

Custom icons disappeared from folders in Home directory

Custom Finder sidebar icon gets stretched

How to remove the sidebar in Apple Preview (presentation mode)?

I can't remove items from the sidebar in Finder

File switcher sidebar in Notepad++ 5.5

Gibberish volume in finder which is inaccessible and un-deletable

Folders in Finder not showing

OneDrive folder keeps moving to bottom of Finder Favorites sidebar

Permanently remove sidebar that pops up every time I open a tab in Safari

Why can't I add my home folder to the Mac OS X Lion Finder Sidebar?

How to create a sticky left sidebar menu using bootstrap 3?

How can I control font of the Finder's sidebar?

Force sidebar height 100% using CSS (with a sticky bottom image)?

Finder sidebar icons showing as circles for disks