New posts in services

How do I stop transmission-daemon?

iCloud for Automator and services

nginx: unrecognized service after upgrading Nginx on Ubuntu 18.04

How to disable a McAfee service?

Where Is The "Summarize" Service On OS X Mavericks?

How to address results of `systemd-analyze security`?

Find the user under which a Ubuntu service runs?

How to Disable Runaway UnistackSvcGroup Services?

Failed to start saned.service: Unit saned.service is masked

Are there any torrent clients that run as a service?

How to Create Local Windows Desktop Service Accounts?

Upstart tracking wrong PID of process - not respawning

Allow non-sudo group to control Upstart job

Starting and stopping mysql server. Shorten and make automatic

How do I set up No-IP as a proper service?

How do I get the URL of a right-clicked link sent to an automator action?

How do I find out what service is using a certain port?

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS -- Printing Service Not Available

keyboard-setup.service taking too long in startup (20+sec)

Symlinked services in ~/Library/Services not working in Lion