New posts in server-room

How would you measure the amount of atmospheric dust in a server room?

Which is better for heat: 120v or 220v?

Noisy server rooms

How do you compute the AC capacity needed for a server room?

How to separate the display and peripherals from the actual computer?

How can you predict the amount of cooling needed for a particular piece of equipment?

Server corrosion, air conditioning and climate control

Cleaning Dusty Servers

Strange bipping sound in Server room! [closed]

Server room door security

Rack layout tools [closed]

Cooling Server Rack with Water? Sensible? Reuse energy for small installation?

Ideal humidity for a server room?

Are bare steel floor tiles suitable for a server room?

Rackmount cable length calculations & best practices

Reasons to not allow people into the server room

Best labeler for the server room?

Is carpet, or another floor covering, appropriate for a server room?

Why datacenter water cooling is not widespread?

Cooling for a small server room